My experience of learning English

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My experience of learning English

#My experience of learning English| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

My experience of learning English

  i can well remeber when i was a shoolchild .my english teacher always criticized me because i could not pass the i got fear of english.

  because of that,my parents asked me to attend extra classesafter school. at that time i did not have any interest in english,so i did not put my heart in it .but soon i found where the gap lies by attending the class every day.others could  memorize english words easily while i could not .time goes by , and i found there are many similarities in each english word.if you pay attention to could be easy to memorize.since then,i found learning english was interesting ,and i was good at english.

  by these years english study .i take more skill of studying english.and do not regard studying english as akind of burden.i think learing english is similar to learning chinese,they have some things in common.if you take the skill of that,you will find it is not so difficult as you think. but you must put your heart in it .do not get fear of it. to be confident.believe in yourself ! if you try ,you will success.

  believe in yourself!you are the winner.




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